Financial Literacy Guide

The basics of financial literacy – such as budgeting, borrowing and saving – can be difficult to teach to kids, but the rewards of a child heading into adulthood with a solid understanding of financial literacy are numerous. Download the checklist today to get started.

Teaching Your Kids About Money

Teaching your kids about money early will serve them long into adulthood.   Watch our webinar: Teaching Your Kids About Money with Carson’s Senior Vice President, Financial Planning and Advanced Solutions Erin Wood and Vice President, NextGen & Advisor Development Programs Julie Ragatz, …

Investing in Your Child’s Financial Future: Helping Kids Develop Strong Money Management Skills

Gaining financial literacy at a young age is a vital key to finding financial freedom later in life. Give your kids the lessons they need now to make better decisions about money in the future.

Where is the Money Tree? How to Teach Kids About Money, Credit Cards, Saving, Investing, Venmo and More

Craig Lemoine, Director of Consumer Investment Research      Ask kids what they think money is, and you get some interesting responses.  Over the last month, I asked my friends, family and neighbors if I could pose a question to their children about money. Their answers covered it all …

Teaching Kids about Money from Childhood Through Adulthood

Teaching kids about money is especially complex – you aren’t just passing on a few bucks to go to the movies, but an array of attitudes, values and assumptions regardless of whether you mean to. Your kids watch, in a way not even they are aware of, how you interact with finance and how you …

How to Grow (and Keep) Your Emergency Fund

The most solid strategy is to build an emergency fund – accessible, ready and able to support you and your family when you hit a rough patch. Let’s look at a few essentials on creating and protecting your rainy-day money, and how this fits into your overall wealth plan. 

How to Create a Healthy Relationship With Money in 6 Steps

When thinking about money – do you feel stressed, tense, controlling, confused, like you have an abundance of it or a lack thereof? If you relate to any of these questions, you have an unhealthy relationship with your money.

7 Smart Money Moves You Can Make Today

Life is treating you well. Success shows in your promotions at work. The kids graduated from college, and they are out on their own. The nest is empty and you realize it’s high time you focused on your financial health – finally!

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